Musings of a Lab Rat: Blog 1

I haven’t been blogging of late – a combination of laziness and the craziness of life (I know, the contradictions!). 

For those of you that follow the Dear Melanoma Facebook Page, you will know that I am in the process of starting a new clinical trial. I say process because I am currently jumping through a million hoops to secure my place. I have signed the consent form, but I still have to have a million and one tests/scans etc to tick all the boxes before I am officially eligible for trial. 

As you can see, the clinical trial process is complicated. 

I am not new to the world of clinical trials. In February 2014 I started a clinical trial for Keytruda (now on the PBS) and was on the trial for almost two years. 

I didn’t really blog much about my feelings and experience of being on a trial, but I have decided that I am going to start a little blog series called, ‘The Musings of a Lab Rat’.

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A little update

This is probably the most boring post I have ever written with very little emotion or passion mainly because I am not letting myself go to that place. So, a short post to update you on my health.

I think I have been in the frame of mind that if I don’t write about it, I don’t have to deal with it. 

I finished radiation to the lesion on my adrenal gland two weeks ago and I was super lucky in that it didn’t make me very sick (except for some very hilarious vomiting incidences – lets just say, thank goodness for the empty soft drink cup in our car!). I finally feel that I am getting back to my normal self, back to work, the gym and pilates. I still have a lot of back pain, but that will take some time and lots of massages!

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Not so desperate and dateless

I started writing this blog post yesterday and it was titled ‘desperate and dateless’ and after a doctors appointment today I needed to change the title. 

I know many of you have been waiting to find out the results of my PET scan that I had last Friday and I apologise for not updating you earlier. It has been a really hard week since finding out last Wednesday that treatment was not working and waiting for my PET scans to establish how bad the situation is. I needed time to process the information, but also have the time to communicate the news with my family and friends. To be honest, I also didn’t know how to tell you the news.

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