Feeling like old news

Early in the year, someone close to me, someone that should know better, someone that should be one of my biggest supporters, sent a text saying something pretty horrific…

‘You have been dying for two years, it is no longer an excuse.’

Ok, everyone, pick your jaw off the floor and get out those awkward giggles that come out when you just have nothing to say. 

This horrible comment was said in the context of their unhappiness with Serge and I not visiting THEM enough or not calling THEM enough. Obviously I can only put my side of the story forward, but this is someone that seems to have forgotten that they have a car and phone.

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3 years of terminal cancer

It is hard to believe that it has been three years since I was told that I had Stage 4 Melanoma – terminal cancer. 

Within a few short months I had gone from a young woman, diagnosed a year prior with Stage 1 Melanoma, to a 22 year old with Stage 3 Melanoma, to finally hearing the worst news possible – I was Stage 4. 

I was 22 years old and had already explored and worked in some of the most isolated places in the world and with the most exciting future ahead of me, to a 22 year old stripped of all my hopes and dreams and left to face my mortality.

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Musings of a Lab Rat: The holiday is definitely over...

This week has been bittersweet… definitely more sweet, than bitter. 

For those of you that follow Dear Melanoma on social media, you would know that I FINALLY started the clinical trial that I have been speaking about for months! After such a rollercoaster of feelings and having the trial almost taken away from me because of issues collecting viable tissue, on Tuesday I was able to breathe easy. I was in the treatment chair ready and raring to go. It was not difficult to see my excitement, but was super special seeing the relief and complete joy felt by my oncologist, the clinical trial’s team, the nurses, the receptionists and all of YOU! 

I definitely had a whole lot of people praying to the Pavlova Gods for this trial.

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GUEST BLOGGER: My hubby (Serge)

Introducing my darling husband who most of you feel like you already know - Serge. Serge is guest blogger tonight! Woot! Woot! Get your tissues ready because I needed them. The reason why Serge is writing this is to help prepare him a little for his Smiling for Smiddy Challenge, riding from Brisbane to Townsville, and to also help you understand why he wants to raise money for cancer research. Details for donating will be at the bottom of this post. 

This is my first time doing something like this. Sharing my story isn’t my strong point – that is Emma’s forte. I feature regularly on Emma’s blog and know that she writes about our relationship, often the saddest moments, but we both thought that it is time to share my perspective. It is not often that you hear the thoughts of the partner of a cancer patient - their role as carer, chief cheerleader, comedium, and ultimate cuddle buddy.  Warning alert...a bloke may talk about his feelings.

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