A year of normality

As I sit on Facebook and read everyone’s reflections on 2015 and hopes for 2016, I find myself doing the same. 

For me, 2015 marked a return to normality. 

2014 was so up in the air for Serge and I. 2014 was amazing because we got married and we also travelled, but everything was overshadowed by my terminal prognosis, the reality of not responding to my initial treatment, and being told at the beginning of the year that I only had 3 months to live. Serge and I very much lived in the moment and spent as much time together as possible with Serge stopping work to make this happen.

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Just Emma

As many of my friends head back to university this week, I reflect on life before cancer. A life where I was just Emma, not Emma with cancer.

The other night I had a little cry to Serge. I was upset because I felt that there are people in our life that know only one side of me – the side that has dominated the last 18 months of life.

I forget what it is like to have people ask what I studied, where I worked, what my career aspirations were. Yes, all these I speak of in the past tense because the reality is that, unless a miracle occurs, these are indeed memories and dreams that were pre-cancer.

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