Shhh FREE phone app for Dear Melanoma readers!

Growing up with red hair, blue eyes, pale skin, freckles and living in Queensland I was always cautious of the sun. The caution was not because I linked being sunburnt necessarily with skin cancer, but because I simply knew that getting sunburnt was not fun. Of course, like anyone, there were instances where I did get sunburnt, but this was a rarity. 

In my teenage years, I would start to have skin checks with a dermatologist. They weren’t yearly, but probably every two years. I had a few moles taken off in my teens, but they were all ok. 

You could say that I was very aware of my skin from a young age and we never thought I would be where I am now.

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My advice for Stage 1 Melanoma patients (and anyone else that wants to listen!)

Since writing this blog, I have had many people contact me sharing their story and asking advice. The majority of the people that write to me are Stage 1 melanoma patients, so I have decided to write this post for them. For those of you that don't have Stage 1 melanoma, I hope you still find it useful... and a little entertaining!

Here is my advice for you!

1. Three monthly skin checks

Annual skin checks are recommended for the general population, but once you have been diagnosed with Stage 1 Melanoma this changes. You are strongly recommended to have 3 monthly skin checks for at least 2 years. It is only when you have not had a recurrence that your 3 monthly skin checks can return to 12 monthly.

Three monthly skin checks will aid in early detection and ensure you remain at Stage 1.

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