Life after cancer

A few weeks ago a story was published by The New York Times called ‘Lost in Transition After Cancer’, the author Suleika Jaouad who at age 22 was diagnosed with Leukaemia. The story was published during Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week. Suleika wrote about her life since cancer, as well as highlighting the need for ongoing support for those, especially young adults, who are transitioning from life with cancer to life after cancer.

Take the time to read the story here.

Suleika and my story are different in many ways. Suleika had leukaemia, which meant different treatment to what I am on (treatment much more physically demanding and taxing on her body) and a different prognosis – Suleika’s treatment was always meant to get her to remission. Whereas, with Stage 4 Melanoma, remission has never been the destination at the end of my treatment journey – my doctor and I hope for time.

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Planning a wedding when juggling a terminal diagnosis

As promised, I have written a blog dedicated to sharing Serge and my ‘love story’, and what better way then to share our wedding day.

Serge and I got engaged four months into our whirlwind relationship. We started discussing where our relationship was heading after I had been diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma – a diagnosis that would see us experience what most couples wouldn’t experience in 30 plus years of marriage.

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