My irrational green-eyed monster

A few weeks ago I went to my first melanoma support group meeting.

Attending a support group meeting is something I never thought I would do. It is something that I was scared of.

I was scared that I would potentially be faced by what would be my future. I was worried that we would be sitting around in a circle discussing our treatment and our feelings. I was worried that I would begin to compare my journey with others. I was worried that I would be bombarded with suggestions of crazy diets that will cure my cancer or distant lands that promise remission. And, I was worried that the green-eyed monster that has appeared in the last few months would thrive

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Our love story: My version

As promised in my last post, I am sharing with you my version of our 'love story'.

My version of our ‘love story’…

Serge knew the majority of my family for a year or so before we even met. However we officially met at my sister and brother-in-law’s, Ashlee and Shane. I was home from Timor Leste with dengue fever and was taking the opportunity to spend as much time as possible with my niece and nephew.

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